What are the Ascended?

Ascended are incredibly rare god-like beings. These beings are created when an Aphex of pure heart return to the earth and are transformed into an Ascended, similar of the process for a Xeode. It takes hundreds of years for a Ascended to reach a god-like level, which explains the rarity of sightings. These beings, once fully grown, can reach massive sizes. The Ascended are, in simplest forms, hibernating stars, and carry a stone-like orb throughout their entire lives, which is the source of their power. Once they are fully grown they can contain an amass of abilities. If their stone is broken, the being will die. Ascended are very vulnerable during their development stages, and require protection and guidance. They usually hatch alone, and the chances of an Ascended finding other Ascended or passive beings are so slim that many perish in their earliest stages.
Physical Requirements
The Stone in the chest must match their "flames/Smoke". Tongues/Eyes/Teeth can be any colour. The seclra must be black or dark. The stone can be gradients/Patterns/sparkly etc but this must be reflected in their magic (flames/Smoke). Horns/Other elements can only be added on stage 4-5.
Stage 1
The egg stage. The egg must represent their stone. Must be in a spiral shape.
Stage 2
In this stage Ascended are blind. They use most of their energy burrowing out the ground. They are always hungry and often like to sleep and can fall asleep on the spot. They can not hear very well, leaving them quite vulnerable. Their sensors can not emit their magic until stage 4.
Stage 3
An Ascended has finally opened their eyes and love to play and test their strength! They are very friendly and love to explore and meet others! Their bodies are still quite small, so they need to be cared for. This is the borderline of their independence.
Stage 4
An Ascended finally gain their wisdom and magical abilities. They do not have full control, but slowly start to build their skills. Their magic starts to spill from their sensors and they begin to soul colours. Their wings at this point can not carry their body without magical help.
Stage 5
Ascended have fully formed their abilities, their body still has time to grow. Their magic spills out, but can of course be controlled and manipulated to suit the Ascendant's aesthetics.
Physical Requirements
The Stone in the chest must match their "flames/Smoke". Tongues/Eyes/Teeth can be any colour. The seclra must be black or dark. The stone can be gradients/Patterns/sparkly etc but this must be reflected in their magic (flames/Smoke). Horns/Other elements can only be added on stage 4-5.
Stage 1
The egg stage. The egg must represent their stone. Must be in a spiral shape.
Stage 2
In this stage Ascended are blind. They use most of their energy burrowing out the ground. They are always hungry and often like to sleep and can fall asleep on the spot. They can not hear very well, leaving them quite vulnerable. Their sensors can not emit their magic until stage 4.
Stage 3
An Ascended has finally opened their eyes and love to play and test their strength! They are very friendly and love to explore and meet others! Their bodies are still quite small, so they need to be cared for. This is the borderline of their independence.
Stage 4
An Ascended finally gain their wisdom and magical abilities. They do not have full control, but slowly start to build their skills. Their magic starts to spill from their sensors and they begin to soul colours. Their wings at this point can not carry their body without magical help.
Stage 5
Ascended have fully formed their abilities, their body still has time to grow. Their magic spills out, but can of course be controlled and manipulated to suit the Ascendant's aesthetics.
Elyxium and its species belong to @Cryptickoi DA